Are the Weekends Time to Prepare for the Work Week?

This morning, I was sending Marco Polo videos back and forth with a friend and she mentioned that she had rearranged her bedroom yesterday. She said she had a few more things to rearrange and a closet to organize and she would be done. She said that until she completed those tasks she would not feel that she finished.

I know exactly how she feels. Sometimes it seems that getting home tasks done helps us to feel more balanced and less stressed. Over the last few weeks, I’ve felt terrible stressed. But I’ve spent every day working on a huge project, preparing for the graduation ceremony I am in charge of at work, or making final changes to my doctoral project. Even on the weekends I was working 8-10 hour days. And everything at home was being ignored. I’d go to work and feel stressed about getting everything done, and come home and feel stressed about everything that was not being done there.

One of my big home projects I need to do is change my closet from winter to summer clothes. I’m spending additional time each morning, digging through bags looking for some clothing item. I have the next two days off and plan to get some things done so that on Tuesday, I feel more prepared for life and that I have things under control. I love that sense of preparedness for life.

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